• EN
  • Rules for using cookies

    We use cookies on our website, which can make your online browsing easier, faster and more interactive.


    A cookie is a small block of data (a text file) that is stored in your browser as instructed by a website that allows you to customise or easily facilitate your online browsing (for example, by storing the language in which you want to browse the website). The cookie, therefore, makes it possible to collect information about your online browsing and use it to facilitate or personalise your browsing experience.

    We define cookies and these are called first party cookies. We also use third party cookies. These are cookies from a domain other than the domain of the website you are currently visiting and are used for the purposes of our advertising and marketing activities.


    We use different types of cookies depending on their functions and purpose. In general, cookies can be divided into two macro categories: technical cookies and profile cookies.

    A technical cookie guarantees the optimal use of our website by making it faster and easier to navigate, and it is used exclusively to enable the easy use of our online services. We must use this cookie because in its absence some parts of our website would not be accessible or would be difficult to use. We do not request your consent to their use, it is not possible to deactivate them and the legal basis that allows us to use them is our legitimate interest in the proper functioning of our website.

    A functional cookie that allows navigation according to a series of selected criteria (such as language) also belongs to the category of technical cookies.

    An analytical cookie, through which we only learn statistical information collected in aggregate form regarding the number of visitors and the way they use our website, is also one of the technical cookies. If the information is not collected in aggregate form and instead contains identifying information (such as the IP address used by your device), the cookies used to collect this additional data will qualify as profiling cookies, which will not be active until your consent is sent.

    We use Google Analytics (GA), a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., for analytical cookies. This service provides aggregation-based statistics and, therefore, anonymous statistics, regarding visitors to our website. These cookies do not collect information that can be used to individually identify visitors. We only collect general information about the settings of your computer, your Internet connection, such as your operating system and platform, browsing patterns and interactions with our site. The information that these cookies collect is aggregated and, therefore, anonymous.

    More about GA: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage?hl=en

    You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser or by opting out of the Google Analytics cookies.

    A profiling cookie is used to collect information about your browsing habits (sites visited, etc.): We use this information to offer you personalized content and targeted advertising.

    On our website, we use the so-called “Facebook Pixel” of the Facebook social network. Thanks to the Facebook Pixel code, Facebook can identify visitors to our online offer as a target group for displaying ads (so-called “Facebook Ads”). In this context, we use Facebook Pixel to ensure that the Facebook Ads we place appear only to those Facebook users who are also interested in our online offer or to those who have certain characteristics (e.g. interest in certain topics or products identified by the visited websites), which we forward to the Facebook network (so-called user groups).

    We also use the Facebook Pixel code to ensure that our Facebook Ads match the potential interests of our users and are not intrusive. Thanks to Facebook Pixel, we are able to further assess the effectiveness of our Facebook ads for statistical purposes and market research, as we can see if a user has been redirected to our website after clicking a Facebook ad (so-called conversions).

    Facebook activates the Facebook Pixel code immediately after viewing our website and may store a cookie on your device. When you subsequently log in to Facebook or visit Facebook during the login, a visit to our online offer will be recorded in your profile. The information that we collect about you is anonymous, so we cannot draw any conclusions about user identity. However, Facebook stores and processes this data, so it is possible to create a link to a specific user profile that can be used by Facebook as well as our company for its own advertising purposes and market research. If you transfer data to Facebook for pairing, we will first encrypt it in your browser before sending it to Facebook over an https secured connection. The purpose of this procedure is solely to match this data with data that has been encrypted in the same way by Facebook.

    You can read about using the Facebook Pixel code for advertising campaigns at https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/facebook-ads-pixel .

    For more information on Facebook’s processing of data, visit https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy.

    All profiling files can be enabled/disabled using our Cookie Settings or by changing the settings of the browser you use to browse the Web. Please note that the profiling cookie, even if checked, will only be effective if you click the “I Agree” button located on the cookie banner on our website. Therefore, the profiling cookie collects information about your navigation only with your express consent.


    Firefox – https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/block-websites-storing-cookies-site-data-firefox

    Chrome – https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop

    Microsoft Edge – https://www.cookiesandyou.com/disable-cookies/windows/edge/

    Safari – https://www.cookiesandyou.com/disable-cookies/macos/safari/


    Depending on the duration of cookies, we distinguish between:

    Temporary cookie (or one session): The data collected by this cookie is stored for a limited period of time, which corresponds to the duration of your browsing session.

    A persistent cookie has a data storage feature (for example, passwords to access restricted areas, thus preventing them from having to be entered each time you visit). Therefore, the information collected by this cookie remains stored on the device used for your browsing even after you close your browser.


    The information collected through cookies is only transferred to countries that guarantee an adequate level of protection and/or to countries where the protection of personal data is guaranteed by the standard data protection clause.


    In case of any questions concerning the processing of personal data, please contact the company Aardwark s.r.o., ID: 46 451 234, with its registered office at Trnavská cesta 84, 821 01 Bratislava, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section Sro, file no. 77590/B, via e-mail to info@aardwark.com, by phone on tel. +421 903 995 315 or by post to the company’s registered office.

    • the right of access to personal data pursuant to Art. 15 of the Regulation
    • the right to correct personal data according to Art. 16 of the Regulation
    • the right to erase (right to “be forgotten”) personal data pursuant to Art. 17 of the Regulation
    • the right to restrict the processing of personal data pursuant to Art. 18 of the Regulation
    • the right to the transfer of personal data pursuant to Art. 20 of the Regulation
    • the right to object to the processing of personal data pursuant to Art. 21 of the Regulation
    • the right to withdraw consent (if consent is the legal basis for processing) pursuant to Art. 7 of the Regulation – you can revoke your consent in connection with all the processing based on it by accessing the Cookie settings
    • the right to file a petition for personal data protection proceedings – if the data subject believes their personal data are being processed unfairly or illegally, they may file a complaint with the supervisory body, which is

    Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; tel.: +421 / 2/3231 3214; e-mail: statny.dozor@pdp.gov.sk, https://dataprotection.gov.sk. An electronic filing must comply with the details specified in Section 19, par. 1 of Act No. 71/1967 Coll. on Administrative Procedure (Code of Administrative Procedure).