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  • We specialise in IT solutions

    For more than 12 years we have been creating innovative and effective IT solutions that propel our clients forward. We are a technological and consulting company with more than 100 highly skilled experts.

    Clients from all over Europe place their trust in us. We establish long-term partnerships based on an individual approach.
    Our services

    How can we help you?

    We can provide you with the best consultants in various technological fields. From individuals to entire teams. We will gladly provide consultations, even for nearshore concepts.

    BPM – process automation

    We are experts in BPM. We live BPM. We started with IBM BPM, and later added another low code platform to our portfolio – Pega. Our team includes dozens of certified experts who are dedicated to both mentioned technologies and are always ready to help you. Looking for a nearshore partner? Then you have come to the right place!

    IBM solutions

    When it comes to IBM BPM, IBM WebSphere Application Server and ACE, we are one of the market leaders in Central Europe. We are experienced with nearshore supply chains and will be a strong partner at your side.


    IT development

    Are you looking for a team of qualified IT developers? Or a team that is capable of providing and delivering a complete IT solution? Count on our Aardwark team of motivated professionals.

    DevOps and Cloud

    We have extensive experience with cloud technologies and can always find the most suitable solution to provide our customers with products and services faster, at a better level of quality and optimal costs.

    Data engineering, analytics and science

    Data is the core of every successful business, and we excel at harnessing its full potential. We specialize in designing and optimizing data flows, processing vast datasets, and uncovering hidden patterns. With our extensive technological expertise and deep understanding of data theory, we transform raw data into powerful insights that drive your business forward.

    A few numbers that say more about us

    The key to our success lies in our years of experience and our commitment to pushing the boundaries of IT consulting.
    years on the market
    completed projects
    satisfied clients
    Join our ranks

    Work at Aardwark

    Today we number more than 100+ and are still growing.

    Working at Aardwark, you will be part of local and major international and projects. Develop your potential and acquire new know-how from our experts.

    All positions

    Middleware Specialist

    Máš vášeň pre middleware technológie a túžiš sa podieľať na komplexných projektoch? Ak si technicky zručný a chceš rozvíjať svoje schopnosti v dynamickom prostredí,...

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    Python Data Engineer

    Hľadáme kolegu konzultanta, ktorý by sa stal súčasťou tímu zodpovedného za analýzu, návrh, vývoj a údržbu biznis procesov pre medzinárodnú finančnú spoločnosť. Zapojíš sa...

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    Junior Cloud Engineer

    Ako člen nášho Cloud a DevOps tímu budeš pracovať na nasadzovaní infraštruktúry a aplikácií v prostredí poskytovateľov verejných cloudových služieb. Budeš automatizovať proces implementácie...

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    Data Analyst

    Hľadáme kolegu analytika so zameraním na oblasť financií (konkrétne daní), ktorý má prehľad aj v oblasti dátovej analytiky a ktorý by podporoval oddelenie daní...

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    Manual Tester

    Hovoríš anglicky aj nemecky a baví ťa testovanie aplikácií? Máš výborné znalosti ohľadom manuálneho testovania, vieš ako napísať testovací scenár a chceš zlepšovať testovacie...

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    Java Developer

    Hľadáme seniornú posilu pre našich developerov na zabehnutom projekte. Okrem programovania v Jave budeš zodpovedný aj za analýzu a naplánovanie činností a mentoring juniornejších...

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    IT Business Analyst

    Využi príležitosť pracovať s nami na projekte pre nemeckú spoločnosť ako IT Business Analyst. Ak máš vášeň pre objavovanie nových možností, rád pracuješ v...

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    ESB Integration Developer

    Hľadáme posilu pre náš integračný tím! Bol by si zodpovedný za prácu na návrhu, vývoji a údržbe integračných riešení. Ak máš skúsenosti s Enterprise...

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    AWS/Azure DevOps Engineer

    Chceš sa zapojiť do nového, dlhodobého projektu hneď od začiatku? Si expert v cloudoch? Čože, ty ovládaš ešte aj Python?! Nuž, vyzerá to, že...

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    Python Developer

    Hľadáš nový zaujímavý projekt, programuješ v Pythone a máš skúsenosti s vývojom v cloudovom prostredí? Tak neváhaj a pracuj s nami na medzinárodnom projekte...

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    Automation Tester

    Pre skúseného testera máme projekt so zameraním na platobné systémy pre US spoločnosť v Čechách (možnosť remote). Potrebovať budete znalosť programovacieho jazyka a skúsenosti...

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    Fullstack Developer

    We have been a leader in Business Process Management (BPM) and Middleware for over 12 years. Our flexibility and human approach have helped us bring many interesting projects to fruition.

    What we wrote

    We share our experience, vision and technological innovations to keep you one step ahead in the world of IT.

    Infrastructure as code: a...

    Discover the evolution of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), from ancient Unix tools to today’s modern solutions. Explore how IaC has transformed infrastructure management, from...

    Monitoring and Alerting in...

    In the ever-changing world of digital technology, it’s crucial to ensure that your cloud resources and applications work smoothly. The field of cloud monitoring...

    Increasing Bank Efficiency and...

    In the ever-evolving landscape of banking and financial services, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. At Aardwark, we take pride in our expertise...

    How can CI/CD help?

    During our recent workshop on the topic of CI/CD, we explored how this approach can benefit us. Based on our discussions and insights from...

    Why and how to...

    We recently held a workshop on the topic “Why and how to housekeep items in IBM BAW”. We would like to take this opportunity...